Sunday, May 20, 2007

Supporting emerging models of learning

What we know about how people learn has changed. We know that learning is not an invidual, linear, passive experience. It's messy and complex, and requires authentic and engaging experiences. It's difficult to create conditions to support this kind of learning in a face-to-face environment; how can we possibly do it online?

We need to think about developing an infrastructure to support these kinds of learning experiences. Luckily, the Web 2.0 revolution has provided us with a variety of free tools that can be used to engage our students in authentic and rich learning.

Many of our students use these types of tools in their lives on a daily basis (MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, etc). How can we leverage their experiences and skills to support learning? Additionally, our students will need to develop a new kind of literacy to succeed in the workplace. This is an example, albeit an extreme one, of the workplace our students may find themselves in now and increasingly in the future:

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