Sunday, May 20, 2007


Yackpack is a free online voice communication tool that facilitates collaboration, enhances communication, and transforms learning for your students. With Yackpack you can tailor your voice messages to a particular 'pack' of learners. It is a wonderful way to distribute podcasts to a particular group as well as providing feedback on projects.

Yackpack can be used for grading, language instruction or simply to distribute project instructions to a group of students.

Create your own pack at


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, it seems that YackPack will no longer be free, as of July 31, 2007. I heard about your blog in one of my classes at Pepperdine and am thrilled that you've created this great resource. I'm not sure what the pricing will be for YackPack, but it looks like educators can evaluate the service through Oct for free. After that, looks like they're charging.

Thanks for informing us of this and other great resources.

Kai Ajala Dupé said...

You are welcome. We had a great time conducting this presentation as well as creating the blog. I see that YackPack has started charging. That is unfortunate as we have become so use to receiving great services such as these for free. I will have to check out the pricing structure. More than likely I will subscribe.
